Author: admin


Benefits of Web Accessibility Toolbar

It’s more important than ever to ensure your website is accessible to all possible users. Aside from the legal ramifications of ignoring web accessibility, you risk losing a demographic of customers when they can’t access your content.  But what is...

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Boost Your Business with Website Accessibility and ADA Compliance

There is no doubt that eCommerce is on the rise, with sales expected to hit $4.5 trillion by 2021.  The eCommerce market in North America grew by 16% in 2018 and represented over $500 billion in sales and digital influences...

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Domino’s Accessibility Lawsuit

Domino’s Pizza faced an accessibility lawsuit after Guillermo Robles, a blind man, was unable to use either the Domino’s website or app to order food. Robles sued Domino’s on the grounds that both their website and app were unable to...

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Alt Text for Images on Ecommerce Sites

Alternative text refers to text that describes non-text content in web pages such as images. Using either the alt attribute or the surrounding content of the preexisting text, alt text serves to “translate” aspects of web pages that are not...

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Choosing a Web Accessibility Specialist Over 508 Compliance Testing Tools

What is 508 Compliance? Section 508 is responsible for setting accessibility standards for equal access of digital information for federal agencies. Though in recent years, hundreds of websites have been served class action lawsuits on the basis of websites being...

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Facebook Accessibility: Reaching Every User

Our interaction with the online world is largely textually and visually based. Images are shown to increase engagement between users and their social media sites. If we’re not reading, we’re watching. If not watching, at the very least listening. Then...

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Restaurant Website ADA Compliance & Lawsuits

In the restaurant industry, web accessibility enables individuals with disabilities to make reservations, view restaurant menus, and find restaurant locations. A sizeable number of ADA lawsuits have been filled over the past year, and a majority of them were against...

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School Website ADA Compliance & Lawsuits

Web accessibility helps students of all abilities and ages and is a crucial part of an appropriate and fair public education. Web accessibility for schools allows students to be able to understand video lectures, access course content from online sources,...

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Hotel Website ADA Compliance & Lawsuits

Web accessibility is crucial for hotels looking to offer a quality experience for their guests. International tourism grew a remarkable 7% to reach a total of 1,322 million travelers, according to the United Nations World Tourism Organization’s, UNWTO, World Tourism...

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ADA Website Accessibility

Digital accessibility and compliance is something that you need to consider for your B2B website. An ADA compliant website ensures that your business is more readily accessed by other businesses. Though at the heart of it lies the idea of...

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