Category: General


Domino’s Accessibility Lawsuit

Domino’s Pizza faced an accessibility lawsuit after Guillermo Robles, a blind man, was unable to use either the Domino’s website or app to order food. Robles sued Domino’s on the grounds that both their website and app were unable to...

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Facebook Accessibility: Reaching Every User

Our interaction with the online world is largely textually and visually based. Images are shown to increase engagement between users and their social media sites. If we’re not reading, we’re watching. If not watching, at the very least listening. Then...

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Hotel Website ADA Compliance & Lawsuits

Web accessibility is crucial for hotels looking to offer a quality experience for their guests. International tourism grew a remarkable 7% to reach a total of 1,322 million travelers, according to the United Nations World Tourism Organization’s, UNWTO, World Tourism...

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ADA Website Accessibility

Digital accessibility and compliance is something that you need to consider for your B2B website. An ADA compliant website ensures that your business is more readily accessed by other businesses. Though at the heart of it lies the idea of...

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Ecommerce Website Accessibility & Lawsuits

Website accessibility and ADA compliance is of utmost importance for ecommerce websites. Having an ADA compliant website could significantly increase your web traffic and boost your SEO efforts allowing you to reach a wider audience. Allowing potential customers to have...

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Web Accessibility Compliance

If you’ve heard of the WCAG, Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, you may also know the name Sir Tim Berners Lee because he invented the World Wide Web in 1989 and is the director of W3C. The World Wide Web Consortium...

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Importance Of Web Accessibility

A majority of people in the world today live their lives and conduct business online every day. It’s important as a business owner for your website to function in the way it’s meant to for all the types of users...

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ADA Title iii Lawsuits

Under Title III of the American Disability Act (ADA), there must be no discrimination against people living with a disability at places of public accommodations. That includes premises that are open to the public, such as schools, restaurants, office buildings,...

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Social Media Accessibility

Companies who want to promote brand awareness and reach out to a larger consumer base must factor in web accessibility guidelines as a key part of their marketing strategy. People with disabilities deserve inclusion in public forums such as the...

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Nonprofit Website ADA Compliance

  For most nonprofit organizations, web accessibility is becoming an essential facet in developing their sites. This undertaking allows persons with a disability to use the organization’s services online. As well as, the chance to use the internet in the...

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